Saturday, April 17, 2010

2010 World Conference News Day 8
Good Morning Fellow Travelers,
One last day and a wrap.  It has been a wonderful week for your reporter and I hope you have enjoyed the adventure with me.  World Conference is one of those things I do for me.  Renewing distant relationships, meeting and starting new ones, rich worship, powerful singing, laughter, hugs, and a little business; I come away refreshed and renewed.  And a little frustrated at times too.
Friday’s theme was, “We Share……..a Sacred Story.”  This theme is actually timeless to me.  We have the privilege of hearing and sharing “The Sacred Story” from fellow travelers in ages past through sacred writings.  We also get to share in the “Sacred Story” of those in this faith fellowship; folks who have walked the road before us and helped us get to where we are today.  We enjoy not only their written testimony, but we walk through and worship in the testimony of their witness and resources in the wonderful buildings and grounds they prepared for us.
We gather in this day and age, in many places, in large groups and small and share the “Sacred Story” with one another as we work side by side to make our contribution to this faith movement and to the larger Christian witness.  We listen, ponder, and respond to one another in loving and kind ways.  We wrestle and grapple with issues far more important to some of us than others.  We sigh and roll our eyes at some questions and answers we receive.  We bite our tongues in our better moments.  But we hang in there, with hope that one day our “Sacred Story” our sacred journey will be seen and felt by those who walk these same paths after us.  And we hope the “Sacred Story” will be better by our sharing it.
Friday we gathered by nation, country or field, in various rooms and halls and began a new phase of our journey.  Passage of the letter of counsel, now Section 164 of the Doctrine and Covenants, starts the church on a path we’ve not walked before.  Always we have been a world church, one body.  Now, like some other “mysteries” in the Christian tradition, we will try to figure out exactly how to be one, yet many.  There will be growing pains, questions to answer, successes and failures, and in the end, if we do it well, maybe we will lead others to journey similar paths, journey similar roads, but with fewer struggles and more confidence because of our experiences.
So we, in the Unites States, gathered in the auditorium conference chamber, with our collective US Field Apostles and began to discuss and prepare for the journey.  We looked at scripture; meditated on it, discussed it, and sought counsel from it.  We looked a videos and listened to visions of what can be; what is hoped for us.  We sang and prayed together, building community in our smaller part of the larger whole.  It was, what will be the first of many such gatherings.  We shared our insights into a possible U.S. National Conference sometime in 2012 to continue dialogue on two issues of considerable importance considering the legislation submitted from the various mission centers in the U.S.  Those issues are Priesthood and sexual identity, and marriages or unions of same gender couples.
This is where the actual report ends.  Your reporter left Conference and Independence after the morning session to travel home.  We have the privilege of attending our daughter’s graduation from Pastry Chef School Saturday in Boulder. 
But I know that there are still some issues of Legislation pending for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  I’ve already heard I missed an amazing International Hymn Fest Friday night for worship.  Imagine being part of an international choir of three or four thousand people.  It gives me Goosebumps just remembering past hymn fests.  And I know the Seventy are meeting in their new Quorums with their new leadership even as I am writing this.  And of course there is the closing worship and challenge to the church.  I guess we’ll just have to watch the videos and read the reports on the web and in the upcoming Herald magazines over the next couple months.
So that is, admittedly, this reporter’s take on World Conference 2010.  I have very much enjoyed sharing my journey and perspectives with you.  If you are active on FB you will already see some of the different perspectives, frustrations, longings, vision and hopes of fellow church members on this same journey.  Thanks for all your support, kind words, and love.  My hope is that what happened here will quicken the journey to where we need to be as a church; where I believe God is calling us as a church, and to equip us to truly become, truly live out, the name divinely given to us – Community of Christ.
This is your 2010 conference reporter signing off.

Friday, April 16, 2010

2010 World Conference News Day 7
Good Morning Fellow Travelers,
Have you ever been on a journey with a lot of other people?  Some get packed quickly and are raring to go.  Others seem to take forever.  Some pack hastily, not even sure where they are going or what they need en route.  Still others seem so methodical and laborious in their packing you just feel like leaving them behind.  Some are not sure if they even want to go.  Others seem to want to go, but worry about everything that might go wrong.  Still others won’t leave until every detail of the itinerary is clearly spelled out.
Welcome to Community of Christ World Conference 2010.  This journey we start here and then begin to implement in the whole church is like that scenario.  Some people have been getting ready for many, many years and just want to begin some actual movement.  Some are afraid of any movement.  Some are convinced it is a dangerous journey with deadly consequences.  Some are unsure.  Some are considering not going.  Some are not waiting and are seeking other journeys.  Please be kind and gracious to any and all as each one struggles with our collective journey together.
Thursday we began to just see the beginning of the change and growth the church will spend the next several years traveling.  We began the day in our quorums and mass meetings.  In the joint Seventy Quorum meeting we discussed and elected seven new Presidents of Seventy.  Four were elected by natural attrition because they were leaving their offices to either take on other assignments, or to prepare for retirement.  That filled the original seven quorums.  But Section 164 (sounds cool doesn’t it) makes provision for ten Quorums of Seventy – a real departure from more than a century and a half of history.  Each Apostolic Field will have a Quorum of Seventy and therefore a President of Seventy over each quorum so we elected three additional to present to conference.
All the delegates then moved into the Auditorium to begin the day’s business.  The Presidency of the Church reiterated the pending legislation that would not be considered because of passage of the letter of counsel (Sec. 164).  All these pieces of legislation dealing with some aspect of homosexuality will be referred to the Presidency and the appropriate Field Officers for discussion and possible implementation in each nation or country as appropriate.  Like everything having to do with the letter of counsel some were pleased and some frustrated.  Since so many mission centers worked hard to pass legislation in their conferences they would have liked to have had them considered by the conference.  It feels anticlimactic and unfinished.  It will be interesting to see how long it actually takes to see some change in this area of full inclusion.
The Conference began to consider pieces of legislation that were in order.  One resolution asked for an annual report by the First Presidency in regard to progress in the whole discussion of the human sexuality issue.  After an amendment it passed.  We also looked at and passed one resolution trying to make conference and the church aware of the problem of human trafficking which is going on even in our own country.  The resolution contained some possible areas a person could get involved if they felt led in that direction.  The last order of business before the lunch break was to ordain the seven new Presidents of Seventy. 
Always at conference with changes in leadership (new Apostles), and particularly at this conference with such large changes in and additional leadership (Ten Quorums of Seventy) there are changes of assignment.  I’m sure by the time you read this newsletter you can also go online and see all the assignment changes.  But for most of the people on my main mailing list we have a new Apostle for our area, Scott Murphy.  As far as I know right now Robin Linkhart, one of the new Presidents of Seventy, will remain in our area and be the President of my Quorum.  The quorum number will be given to us today I imagine. 
This morning today, Friday, will be spent in our new fields with our new field officers (Apostle, President of Seventy, etc), so more on that tomorrow.
Thursday’s theme was, “We Share…….the Pursuit of Peace.”  Jesus was called The Prince of Peace.  One facet of his Messiahship is the coming age of peace.  Are we poised on the precipice of truly seeing peace in our world?  Can we, Community of Christ, in all the various communities in which we interact, model the Peace of Christ to all in those communities?  And can our witness and impact on those communities: neighborhoods, villages, workplace, school classrooms and playgrounds, and even in lines of traffic, usher in the Reign of Peace?  Will we answer the call to discipleship?
Until tomorrow, Peace.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2010 World Conference News Day 6
Good Morning Faithful Readers,
Well I’m sure that by now most of you know that it was an historic and momentous day yesterday.  The internet and websites and webcast may make this reporters job obsolete one day soon.  I think the news was on the Community of Christ website less than an hour after the Inspired Counsel was approved and authorized to be section 164 in the Doctrine and Covenants.  Many, many people had messages typed into their cell phones and I-phones and pods and pushed “send” as soon as the chair said, “the motion to approve the letter of counsel has passed.”  It is a different day we live in.
But let’s start at the beginning of the day; another glorious morning; cool, crisp, fresh.  The Theme for Wednesday was, “We Share…..Blessings of Community.”  And community was very evident all day.  The Quorums, Caucuses and Others met from 8a to 10a to either conduct new business or discuss upcoming legislation.  My Seventy Quorum used the time for singing, testimony, and worship.  It was an inspiring morning of sharing the “Good News.”
Mid-morning until lunch we all gathered back in the Auditorium for more deliberation on the letter of counsel.  People were passionate and convicted whichever position they took, but the wonderful thing was there was a sense of community even in the sharing.  No one was mean.  No one pointed fingers or name called.  People would use (or misuse) scripture to support their point, but even then it was still playing nice.  By lunch we still had two paragraphs to discuss and vote on.
We reconvened at two to finish discussion.  There were lots of questions about “What if??  How will??  When can we??” and by about 3:30 or so we took our final vote to approve the letter, and the chair sent some leaders to retrieve Steve Veazey.  When the conference is discussing an Inspired Document, the Prophet/President who presented it “relinquishes the chair”, and leaves the conference chamber for the duration of discussion.  One of the members of the Presidency, a Counselor, assumes leadership of the conference.  I think it is to free people to talk, discuss, debate, disagree without feeling like they are attacking the President.
As they re-enter the chamber escorting the President, the conference stands and sings the new version of “We Thank You, O God, For Our Prophets”.  (It used to be We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet” in your hymnal.)  Ken McLaughlin and Len Young wrote new words; much more contemporary and more in line with our current focus and understanding of our mission.  The “Chair” (leadership of the conference) is then returned to the President who Presides over the remainder of the conference.
To be on the floor, to be in on the discussion, to hear the passion and commitment of people as they shared, to raise your hand with hundreds of others, to be a part of this historic conference was really a thrilling experience; one this reporter was grateful to have been a part of.  Many of us have longed for this day for many years.  To take the step to recognize another’s Baptism, Christian commitment and walk, and then offer the Sacrament of Confirmation of membership in this church is a big step.  Also to move toward becoming a more inclusive church with the potential for equal regard, treatment and acknowledgement of giftedness of all people is long overdue.  For most it was a joyous day; your reporter admits and honors the fact that for some others this was a painful, fearful, and agonizing day. 
I’ve seen estimates that approximately ninety-five percent of the conference voted to approve the counsel with a very small sprinkling of folks who abstained.  That is, in this reporters mind substantial support.  This decision certainly puts us a step out from many other Christian Faith Movements; and in closer walk with a couple others who are already on this journey.
Wednesday is usually a “night off.”  No Worship is planned by the conference planners.  Some groups within the church will host a service.  Some leaders use the night for receptions and fellowship.  Some groups have activities, but for the most part it is a low key night.  Our Field Apostle, Dale Luffman, hosted a very nice reception with a tasty salad and dessert dinner.  We had a chance to visit with Dale and other leaders in our Apostolic Field.  The light evening also gave Melinda and I a chance to do some shopping at the Herald Book Store, and also to visit a little with our very gracious host family, Alicia and Justin Selsor.  We’ll be back at it bright and early Thursday.
A side note, if you want one other pictorial view of conference visit my brother-in-law, and news partner, Jim Doty’s site for 6 folders of pictures.
Until tomorrow, then, may you find ways to be a blessing in your communities of interaction, and may you bring the Spirit of Christ’s Peace wherever you are today.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2010 World Conference News Day 5
Hello Faithful Readers,
Tuesday bloomed bright and sunny again; mornings are cool and refreshing here in Independence.  Everything is so green and colorful; although the beautiful trees are beginning to lose their blossoms and on a windy day it almost looks like big, fat snowflakes blowing across the road.
The conference body met again in non-legislative session to discuss the implications of the document and hear testimony from several persons in several nations regarding pieces of the counsel.  There is not room here today to tell you some of the revelation that surprised this reporter about customs in other countries.  We’ll talk later.  Then the Quorums, Caucuses, Orders and Mass Meetings all met to formally discuss, deliberate or debate the Inspired Counsel; all ultimately approved it before lunch.  It was somewhat tedious because we were instructed to read and discuss one paragraph at a time. 
After lunch we all moved into the Auditorium Chamber to do it all again as a group.  The Inspired Counsel was brought up for consideration to the whole conference assembled.  The same procedure took place, paragraph by paragraph, but in the chamber it has to be read painfully slow because of the translations that take place in several languages. 
Then people who want to share, or ask questions, or speak in favor or against the motion to approve this or that paragraph get in line to talk.  A special computer program and queue keeps things orderly.  Often many people want to speak or share, so we only got through paragraph 4 by end of business today. 
The evening worship tonight was by the Latin Americans.  There was a praise band with keyboard, guitars, drums and vocalists.  It was upbeat and fun and we clapped and danced and got to sing in Spanish.  Your reporter gets too excited – sorry.  But good music and good worship is exciting
The Theme Tuesday was “We Share……Grace and Generosity.”  Our speaker, Carlos Enrique Mejia, translated by Arthur Smith, challenged us to really look at the Grace of God; God’s gift(s) to us which we do nothing to earn.  God gives to us just because that’s God’s nature.  God’s Grace and God’s Generosity go hand in hand.  God gives to us generously because that’s how God is.  God gives with no strings attached, no expectations of a return on his generosity.
And yet God hopes.  When God gives as generously as he does, God’s hope is that you and I will be moved by God’s Generosity, and with our cup overflowing with blessings, find ways and situations where we can pay it forward.  We can never pay God back directly, we can, however, pay it forward to others.
Carlos asked us to consider what we have, to offer to others.  What gifts has God given that we can share with the communities in which we work, live, play, shop, drive, etc.  What can we share generously and graciously with those in need?
Last night we also participated in the Ordinations of the two new Apostles, Rick James and Scott Murphy, and the Ordination to Evangelist of Len Young.  So today, the new Apostles will take their place on the rostrum during all business sessions.
As you go through your day today, look around, take stock, honor God’s generosity in nature, personality, giftedness, health, witness, strength, vision, courage, ________, you fill in the blank.  How has God’s generosity changed your life and will you give God permission to use your life to gift another’s?
Until tomorrow your reporter asks for you loving support and prayer as we complete our task of confirming the mind and will of God for Community of Christ.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2010 World Conference Day 4
Good Morning Readers,
It was another beautiful day here in Independence.  I saw 83 degrees, which is just a little warm for this reporter.  But the trees and flowers seem to love it.  Yesterday I mentioned Steve Veazey’s sermon last night (did I say it was powerful?)  Well now you can go to and either read or watch the sermon.  (Did I mention it was powerful?)  Also there are pictures of the first couple days activities.  Go back often as sermons and more pictures are added.
Monday’s theme was “We Share…….The Peace of Jesus Christ.”  We started the day assembled to discuss the parts of the Inspired Counsel that deal with membership and baptism.  It was a non-legislative session which means informal, and not governed by all of Robert’s Rules of Order.  It is a chance for people to discuss, ask questions, etc. in a more relaxed atmosphere.  We will take the Counsel formally and discuss and vote to accept or reject, probably Wednesday.  Your reporter has not been to a conference where the body rejected the Inspired Counsel.  I am cautiously awaiting the deliberations. 
In an exercise of role-play the leadership had asked two people, one actually on each side of the discussion, to have a dialogue with Apostle Susan Skoor moderating, to show some of the disagreement and how to discuss it peacefully; modeling playing nice in the sandbox.  A Spirit of Peace has attend the discussions, questions and answers so far.
Then we broke out into Quorums, Orders, and mass meetings to discuss the issue in smaller groups.  That lasted till lunch.  My Seventy Quorum had a very good discussion on paragraphs 1 – 4 of the counsel.  We will tackle the harder paragraphs tomorrow.
After lunch we went to various locations to participate in Spiritual Formation on specific topics.  One group worked and walked a labyrinth.  Your reporter went to a class on ministry to children.  Wonderful stuff we can put to use in families and even at church for Ministry to Young Disciples time.    
And it was a peaceful afternoon of discussion as we looked at the Inspired Counsel to the church regarding the changes in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. 
After statements from both Mary Jacks Dynes and Len Young, who are being released from the Council of Twelve Apostles and then Patrick James and Scott Murphy, who have been called to the Council, the vote was taken and approved.  Ordinations will take place in a day or two.
Worship last was held in the Temple.  Since the Temple only holds about half the people the Auditorium holds there were two consecutive services.  We chose the earlier one.  The Temple has always had a special place in the heart of this reporter.  As an adult convert to the church most of the history, buildings, etc were completed on my first experience with them.  But the Temple has been a part of my history here.  I was in on the vote to fund the Temple.  We helped financially build the Temple.  I saw the drawings before the building was started.  I was at the groundbreaking.  I walked through the Temple and have picture during construction.  And I can remember my first worship in the Temple after completion.  That makes the Temple a very special place for me.  I feel connected to it and to all who worked to make it a reality.  And of course in it, I feel very close to the One who Created the Vision for it, and meets us there each time we visit.  In the Temple, “We Share……the Peace of Jesus Christ.”  May it always be so.
Until tomorrow may you also find the Peace of Jesus in your communities.

Monday, April 12, 2010

2010 World Conference Day 3
Hello Faithful Readers,
Sunday was a wonderful day here at World Conference, starting with the Morning Worship.  The Graceland University Choir did a great job in providing some of the ministry of music.  Bunda Chibwe, Apostle from Africa shared the morning Communion Message, “Fear Not”, and he talked about some of his, and our collective fears, and about turning fear into Hope. 
We then shared together in Communion.  Imagine serving five or six thousand people communion.  In your congregation there is probably two or four servers.  At conference there must be a hundred or more.  Watch the church website or my Photographer/Brother-in-law, Jim Doty’s blog, for pix of the amount of trays of bread and wine to serve that many people.  It is amazing to see.  Speaking of that, imagine singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” or “Great and Marvelous” or “God of Grace and God of Glory” with five or six thousand people.  Your reporter is so moved by singing with that size choir; can’t wait to get to Heaven and sing with the angels.  Of course the organ with the trumpets doesn’t hurt either.  It is awesome.
After lunch we attended a “Spiritual Formation” session hosted by Carolyn Brock.  Carolyn led us in a number of meditational activities using different types of prayer preparation.
The Quorums, Caucuses and others then spent time discussing and voting on acceptance of the first part of the Inspired Counsel regarding changes in leadership in the leading Quorums of the church.  Apostles Mary Jacks Dynes and Leonard Young will be leaving the Council of Twelve Apostles and Richard James and Scott Murphy will be ordained to the Office of Apostle to fill the quorum.  Len Young will be ordained as an Evangelist and join the Order of Evangelists.
For this reporter the highlight of the day was the evening worship and the sermon delivered by President Steve Veazey.  For me it captured Sunday’s Theme, “We Share….A Vision.”  We were greeted by a number of people from the Asian Field of the Community of Christ where the church has been established for fifty years.  Music was a beautiful trio of Piano, Violin and Cello. 
Steve then shared with us his vision, making reference to some of the thoughts in the Inspired Counsel.  It was as bold and powerfully delivered message as this reporter has heard at any World Conference.  Steve strongly condemned bigotry in all its forms including bigotry aimed and sexual orientation.  There is no question that the church has struggled and is struggling with this issue.  Every conference the resolutions speaking to ways of becoming a more inclusive church get clearer and more strongly worded.  Every conference more of the jurisdictions of the church submit legislation seeking guidance and direction on how to address this issue of equal treatment of all.
With this counsel and Steve’s message there seems to be in this reporters mind no question about where we should be headed as a church.  I know there are open ended questions regarding implementation of this council.  Questions about how we can be unified in purpose and yet diverse in actualization.  But I am reminded of the saying, “If the Spirit leads you to it, the Spirit will lead you through it.”  If God’s Spirit is leading us to the place of equal regard for all and the fact the “all are called according their gifts”, then God’s Spirit will help us fill in the blanks as we lovingly and methodically move in the direction God wants us to go.  I remember an analogy that it is impossible to steer a vessel that’s not moving.  A vessel must be moving to be guided.  Steve asked us the question last night, not only will we move, but will we move forward, or backward?  If we are moving, God can steer us in the direction God wants us to go.  And this reporter, for one, is ready to move and be guided through the places of doubt and fear to places of Joy, Hope, Love and Peace.  May God bless us on this journey.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2010 World Conference Day 2
Good Morning Readers,
Saturday evening is the official start of this year’s 2010 Community of Christ World Conference.  So during the day Saturday, many folks are still finishing up their travels.  Booths are being set up in the lower auditorium that showcase much of what is happening around the church world (more on that another day).  The registration lines are filled with people greeting, hugging, shaking hands and renewing friendships, some that have lasted for a lifetime. 
The grounds are filled with people moving from the Auditorium to the Temple to the Stone Church and back, continuing to greet, and hug and laugh or cry depending on what has happened in a person’s life since the last greeting.
Here in Independence the flowering trees are absolutely beautiful. Tree branches bend with the weight of white, pink and red blossoms, and flowers bloom brightly.  Colors are everywhere and it smells so fresh.
The Seventy, the missionary focused Priesthood of the church (and the office your reporter functions in), had a full slate of meetings and worship today.  Along with being obnoxiously outgoing the Seventy are known for their singing – and we did that today.  Led at various times by Africans or Tahitians we sang and clapped and clumsily  danced a little.  It was an invigorating day.
Today’s Theme is “We Share…..Unity in Diversity.”  Diversity is all around the earth; from the different trees and flowers, to the mountains and plains, to the deserts and oceans to the colors, sizes, shapes, languages, customs, dress, and costume of her people, diversity is what gives this planet her wonder and majesty.
Think of your favorite song or piece of music.  Hear it; sing or hum it.  Do you hear the diversity?  Strings, brass, woodwinds, synthesizers, guitars, keyboards, all different looks and sounds, maybe even playing different notes or syncopation, but for one focus, one song, one piece.  Different, yet the same.  Diverse, yet unified in purpose.  Some notes a little sharp, some flat, but combined the harmony touches the soul.
And so it is with God’s people.  All a little different, some sharp, some flat, all with different gifts, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, but with one purpose; to Glorify God and Serve one another.  Unity in Diversity.  All needed, all of worth, all created by the same amazing Creator, and all here.  We are one.
Saturday night we gathered in the Auditorium to officially open the Conference.  We watched as the flags of over fifty nations were unfurled from the balcony rail, each representing a nation of the world where the Church has an established presence.  Flags as diverse in color and design and shape as their people.  It is an amazing experience and your reporter looks forward to it each conference.
The Tahitian choir, well over a hundred strong, filled the choir loft at the front of the auditorium chamber.  Drums, guitars and voices, women, men, children, filled the chamber with sometimes soft, sometimes powerful music.  People filled with the Joy of knowing and being children of God.
President/Prophet Steve Veazey called the Conference to order and with the smack of the gavel used by Joseph III in 1860 for the same purpose, World Conference 2010 officially began.  It will be a week of movement, listening, discerning, discussion, disagreement, applause, groans, laughter and possibly heartfelt tears as we deliberate and set a course for the future of the Ministry of the Community of Christ.
Please support us with your thoughts, good wishes, and prayers as we seek the mind and will of God for us, and for the Communities into which we gather every day; work cubicles, schoolyards, neighborhoods, playgrounds, and lines at the store and in traffic.  Help us affect each community with the Spirit of Christ’s Peace.
Until tomorrow this is your reporter signing off.